Stress Game
Read manhwa Stress Game
Ryuuji Ogami, a harmless high school student with a rather 「troubled family situation」, is asked by his kouhai, Konoko Hoshino, to install a game on his smartphone. As a result, he ends up as one of the participants in the《stress game》, a game that transcends human limits. Out of nowhere, monsters that shouldn’t exist begin attacking him! This is a game where players use their emotions. Each player’s supernatural powers are completely affected by the amount and intensity of their「stress」. Underestimated by Konoko, who thought Ryuuji would be the weakest, he actually turns out to have an extremely high amount of stress… And because of this, even at level 1 and in the face of incredibly strong enemies, Ryuuji shows overwhelming strength! 「stress」 — A game played by those who harbor dark secrets in their hearts, willing to risk their lives to fulfill their desires. Thus, the curtain for this battle game is drawn!
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